For the Love of the Bible
This book traces the history of the defense of the KJV and the Received Text from 1800 to present. The 33-page bibliography is the most extensive in print on the subject. A detailed index is also included. The author spent several thousand dollars researching this material and has written several hundred letters in this connection, communicating with men from around the world who stand for the KJV today.
The book includes hundreds of testimonies and biographies; sketches of churches, schools, and organizations which have defended the KJV; a digest of reviews and condensations of major books and articles written in defense of the Old Bible in the past 200 years; excerpts from rare books on this subject which are no longer available; a comprehensive overview of the varied arguments in favor of the KJV. The arguments commonly put forth in defense of the modern versions are shown to be myths. This is used as a textbook at Ambassador Baptist College.
Paperback; 460 pages