Family Fellowship
"I remember a time I tried to create fellowship with my wife and kids. We all went camping. Sounds like something people do to create good memories and establish family ties, right? Well, it was a disaster! Pure tension! It seemed no one could do anything right. Being a city boy I grew up behind a television. My favorite shows were all the education I needed. Camping would be piece of cake! We would set up our tent in wild surroundings. Then we would go fishing, catch the BIG ONE, and roast it over an open fire. For dessert there would be s'mores and roasted marshmallows. Then we would joyfully sing campfire songs. After this I would put the kids to bed in their sleeping bags and they would instantly go to sleep. My wife and I would stay up late next to the fire, looking at the stars and making love. Upon our arrival, I found that reality was a far cry from the movies..." Sit back and relax as Jonathan and Maranatha take you on a fun, yet challenging journey through the ins and outs of raising kids. Learn the secrets of how these ordinary parents achieved extraordinary results at winning the hearts of their children.
Paperback; 92 pages
ISBN 9781602662353