The Trail of Blood (Spanish)
By J.M. Carroll
This book covers the history of the Baptists from the time of Christ to the present day. It includes an excellent chart in the back showing not only the origin of the Baptists, but also the rise of the Roman Catholic Church and the origin of Protestantism.
Paperback; 68 pages
ISBN 978-0-86645-062-1
Also available on Kindle - The Trail of Blood (Spanish)
Por J.M. Carroll
Este libro relata la historia de los Bautistas desde el tiempo de Cristo hasta el dia presente. Incluye un excellente graphico al final mostrando no solamente el origen de los Bautistas, pero tambien el surgimiento de la Iglesia Catolica Romana y el origen del Protestantismo.
Librito de 60 paginas
Also available on Kindle - El Rastro de la Sangre