Armadillo Amigos (CD)
Patch the Pirate Adventure
Theme: Love Your Neighbor
The Armadillo Amigo Ranch is in trouble, and Captain Patch has arrived to help before all is lost. Training armadillos to be blessings instead of pests is proving to be harder than Rancher Guillermo thought! To save the ranch, Captain Patch and his crew must find who is framing the innocent armadillos. Join the armadillo amigos, Ernest, Rosita, Paco, and the whole crew as they discover what God says about loving our neighbors.
Song selections:
Stop and Pray
Dig-a Dig-a Dig
Be Sure Your Sin Will Find You Out
All I Get Is Tacos
I'm Still Changing
Armadillo Amigos
I Was Made To Worship The Lord
Come Out Of Your Shell
Shiver Me Timbers
Be A Blessing - Not A Pest
Love Your Neighbor
Tis So Sweet
Lily Of The Valley