Bible Truth Hymnal (Hardback, Maroon)
by Bible Truth Music
The Hymnal for Independent Baptist Churches! Available in regal blue or classic maroon.
682 hymns, songs, and choruses, with a wide variety of styles, eras, and subjects represented.
This is a very high-quality hymnbook with easy-to-read lyrics and music notation, top-grade bright-white paper, and high-quality stitched binding to ensure durability for many years of use. Some of the features include accompanying scripture verses for every song, songs arranged and organized by subject, and much more.
Evangelist Byron Foxx, founder, Bible Truth Music I am truly excited about Bible Truth Hymns. In response to God's leading, we have diligently worked for nearly three years to complete this labor of love. Our goal has been to create the most usable hymnal ever produced for Independent Baptist Churches. I praise the good Lord for His hand of blessing on our efforts.
We have included the classic hymns such as those of Charles Wesley, Isaac Watts and John Newton, as well as great songs from Fanny Crosby, P.P. Bliss, Ira Sankey and Charles H. Gabriel. Many gifted songwriters of the 20th Century have also been recognized such as John W. Peterson, Al Smith, John R. Rice, Frank Garlock, and Ron Hamilton, as well as many of our own Bible Truth Music composers.
Our variety of songs extends to some wonderful "old-fashioned" gospel songs like Living By Faith, The Old Account was Settled, I Feel Like Traveling On, I'll Fly Away, and Hide Thou Me. As an added feature, great care was made in selecting over 100 of the very best choruses to be included in Bible Truth Hymns.